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On audiovisual composition31793/4201/1819/1/30

On audiovisual composition

Academiejaar 2018-19
Komt voor in:
  • European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound, trajectschijf 1
Dit is een enkelvoudig opleidingsonderdeel.
Studieomvang: 3 studiepunten
Gewicht: 3,00
Totale studietijd: 83,00 uren
Mogelijke grensdata voor leerkrediet: 01.12.2018 (Academiejaar)
Men kan dit opleidingsonderdeel niet volgen binnen een
  • examencontract (met het oog op het behalen van een creditbewijs).
  • examencontract (met het oog op het behalen van een diploma).
Men kan dit opleidingsonderdeel enkel mits aparte toelating volgen binnen een creditcontract.
Titularis: Huvenne Martine
Onderwijstalen: Engels
Kalender: Semester 1

Omschrijving Onderwijsorganisatie (lijst)

Onderwijs-, leer- en evaluatieactiviteiten
Hoorcollege24,00 uren
Werkcollege48,00 uren
Zelfstudie11,00 uren

Omschrijving Onderwijsorganisatie (tekst)

– lectures
– workshops in group and individual
– individual coaching of the students
– peer learning

Omschrijving Doelstellingen

An insight in sound within different contexts: society and new media related to an insight in the needed technical skills required by the different contexts. In different framed workshops the students can explore the combination of theory, artistic practice and technical skills in a personal research.

Omschrijving Inhoud

This module is organised in two different workshops Sound and environment and sound in new media. Introduced by a two-day master class on the ‘Grammar of listening’.

The course focusses on different approaches and concepts of sound-composition/-construction.
Grammar of listening introduces the concept of a film soundtrack and its components.
The first part introduces the concept of a film soundtrack, its construction and its components. It includes concepts of what makes a soundtrack and how its grammar can be translated into different media. Key to this discussion is a description of each layer of sound (voice, atmospheres, sound effects, music, etc.) and how these layers need to be considered in recording, editing and mixing. The module includes screenings and playback of supporting material with a clear understanding of narrative film sound construction.
In Sound and society the relation between sound and space and the possibility to transform space through sound, will be explored through practice. Sound and environment focusses on the impact in society.

Omschrijving Begincompetenties (tekst)

Able to implement theoretical and technical input in a personal artistic project.

Omschrijving Eindcompetenties (tekst)

– An open attitude towards a personal process has to be attained.
– An insight in the different ways picture and sound can work without the traditional natural synchronization.
– An insight in the social, historical and cultural impact of sound and sound as art.
– An insight in the needed technical skills for an artistic project or research
– Open to apply new strategies in an creative process
– Open to expand his artistic practice beyond his own specialism.
– Able to work together
– Able to present your own work in the group.
– Able to evaluate the process and results of an other student

Omschrijving Begeleiding

Possiblity to contact the coordinator.

Omschrijving Evaluatie (tekst)

Permanent evaluation, process evaluation and peer feedback at the end of the module. At the end op the first semester the students present their diary and self-evaluation. The end-competences of this course will be There is no possible retake or second examination period.
The students have to be present in the workshops.
Dit opleidingsonderdeel wordt gequoteerd op 20 (tot op een geheel getal).
Tweede examenkans: wel mogelijk.

Omschrijving Studiematerialen (tekst): Verplicht

The student can use the facilities and resources of the institute.The student has his own computer and external hard disc.

Omschrijving Volgtijdelijkheid (VT)

Op dit opleidingsonderdeel is er geen volgtijdelijkheid van toepassing.