Academic year
Is found in:
- International Curriculum Business, Retail and Languages, programme stage 2
This is a single course unit.
Study load:
6 credits
Total study time: 150,00 hours
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
- exam contract (to obtain a credit).
- exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Special admission is required to enrol in this course unit under credit contract.
Co-ordinator: De Block Lindsay
Languages: English
Scheduled for: Semester 1 or Semester 2
Final objectives
can develop and implement a financial policy and can take and advise short and long term appropriate financial decisions |
can act ethically and with respect for sustainability principles, in keeping with the professional deontology |
Can describe investment forms and the elements that determine their return.
Can explain the meaning and use of cash flows.
Can explain the different components of working capital.
Can explain the dividend policy and the optimal capital structure of an enterprise.
Can explain different financing options.
Can advise an optimal investment and financing policy.
Can apply different selection methods in the investment decision process.
Can determine the return and risk of different investment forms.
Can apply the basic concepts and principles of valuation of shares.
Can apply the basic concepts and principles of the valuation of companies.
Can draw up a financial management report.
Can optimize the working capital.
Can explain the various risks associated with international business.
Can explain hedging techniques for risks related to international business.
Can explain the principles of budget control.
Can explain coherence and connections between various sub-budgets.
Can explain the meaning and content of the various sub-budgets in a master budget.
Can draw a financial plan.
Is able to analyze policy decisions and / or choices and formulate (under guidance) substantiated suggestions with a view to sustainable policy development, even if this does not appear to be immediate or only economically viable.
Importance of financial management
Cash planning and management working capital
Investment analysis
Valuation of shares and loans
Basic financing of equity and loan capital
Optimal equity share
Valuation of the company
Dividend policy
International financial policy
Financial planning
Budgeting and budget control
Types of budgets
Organisation of education
Contactonderwijs60,00 hoursStudy guidance
Individual learning problems can always be reported to the lecturer.
Formative feedback
Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Moment | Form | % | Remark |
Inside Regular exam schedule | Written examination | 80,00 | |
Outside exam schedule | Report | 20,00 | |
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
Moment | Form | % | Remark |
Inside Regular exam schedule | Written examination | 100,00 | |
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Study materials

1. Mandatory books
Corporate FinanceMandatory- Author: Marc Deloof, Sophie Manigart, Hubert Ooghe, Cynthia Van Hulle
- Publisher: intersentia
- Edition: 1
- ISBN-nr: 978-10-902-8109-8
In de facultaire onderwijs- en examenregeling (FOER) vind je de overeenkomst inzake volgtijdelijkheid die voor dit opleidingsonderdeel van toepassing zijn.
Possible deadlines for learning account: 01.12.2021 () or 15.03.2022 ()